On the way to the energy turnaround

The best energy is that which does not have to be generated first! 

The Energy Agency is the central point of contact for companies and municipalities in the field of energy consulting on all aspects of energy efficiency, the introduction of energy management systems and renewable energies. It manages the Energy Portal Brandenburg, which contains facts and figures on all energy generation facilities in the state and shows the current expansion status of renewable energies, associated infrastructures and conventional energy generation facilities.

The staff also provide information and advice on state and federal funding opportunities in the field of energy. The Department is also responsible for the Brandenburg Energy Alliance, the monitoring of the State’s energy strategy and the Brandenburg Energy Database.

You can find more information at energieagentur.wfbb.de.

Please send your initial inquiry to

Logo Energieagentur Brandenburg
Energy Agency Brandenburg
Contact point
+49 331 730 61-410


Bert Tschirner
Bert Tschirner
Head of Department
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-410
Porträt Andrea Skowronek
Andrea Skowronek
Deputy Head of Department
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-412
Birgit Batsch
Birgit Batsch
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-413
Antje Kuschke
Antje Kuschke
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-414
Porträt Lioba Macht
Lioba Macht
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-415
Christian Meierrose-Feige
Christian Meierrose-Feige
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-417
Maike Striewski
Maike Striewski
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-410
Bernd Teichmann
Bernd Teichmann
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-416
Jeannette Wachholz
Jeannette Wachholz
Assistant Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-410
Janine Zak
Janine Zak
Senior Manager
Department Energy Agency
+49 331 – 730 61-421