Today’s Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB) was founded in 2001, at that time still under the name of ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board. The bundling of settlement, technology promotion, foreign trade and energy consulting in the ZAB was a novelty in Germany. In 2014, Brandenburg became the first German federal state to offer workforce development alongside economic development from a single source with the WFBB.


Founding with the merger of three federal state companies (WFB, T.IN.A, BEA)

Foto ZAB-Turm, Fotograf: Dieter Böhme 2011

2001 - Founding with the merger of three federal state companies (WFB, T.IN.A, BEA)

The year 2001 marked the start of the Brandenburg economic development agency as a one-stop agency. Three state companies merged to form the ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH, which went on to become today’s Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB). For the first time, the local economy was offered support for settlement, portfolio development, foreign trade, innovation promotion and energy consulting from a single source in the State of Brandenburg. This was an absolute first for economic development in Germany!
The merger was accompanied by a close partnership between the ZAB and the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) and Brandenburg Capital.
The close cooperation was also evidenced by ZAB’s new main location at the ILB headquarters in Potsdam-Babelsberg.


Joint business trademark ‘Capital Region’ with Berlin

Foto Capital Region Stele außen
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH

2005 - Joint business trademark ‘Capital Region’ with Berlin

Brandenburg and Berlin collaborate closely in economic development. In 2005, the ZAB signed a collaboration agreement with the Economic Development Agency Berlin (now: Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH – Berlin Partner for Business and Technology). The business trademark ‘Capital Region’ was created, under which the two states jointly present themselves to this day as ‘Germany’s Capital Region’.


Start of the joint Airport Region Team in Schönefeld

Foto Airport Region Berlin Brandenburg

2008 - Start of the joint Airport Region Team in Schönefeld

Together, Brandenburg and Berlin founded the Airport Region Team (ART) in 2008. The mission of the ART is joint international investor recruitment for the economic region surrounding the Berlin Brandenburg ‘Willy Brandt’ airport (BER). The ART is staffed by the two state companies equally and has a joint office directly at the BER terminal.


Start of cluster management

Clusterstrategie der Hauptstadtregion - Innovative Cluster

2011 - Start of cluster management

In 2011, the collaboration between Brandenburg and Berlin was taken one step further: the two states adopted a joint cross-state cluster and innovation strategy. A pioneering step in Germany and far beyond. Implementation in the five joint clusters Energy Technology, Healthcare Industries, ICT/Media/Creative Industries, Transport/Mobility/Logistics and Photonics is performed to this day by cluster managements at the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (previously the ZAB) and at Berlin Partner. This is supplemented by the ZAB/WFBB’s cluster managements for the three Brandenburg state clusters Food Industry, Plastics/Chemistry and Metal Industry. The Brandenburg cluster Tourism is supported by Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH.


First state economic development agency to offer both economic and workforce development from a single source

Logo WFBB Arbeit - 20 Jahre Logo

2014 - First state economic development agency to offer both economic and workforce development from a single source

The year 2014 saw a new milestone for Brandenburg’s economic development: the Brandenburg state government expanded the ZAB to form the first fully integrated economic and workforce development services. To this day, the division WFBB Labour (then ZAB Labour) provides consultation and support for the recruitment, development and qualification of skilled employees with corresponding consulting on funding programmes, which continues to be one of the most sought-after WFBB services to this day. 

In the same year, the WFBB launched the new georeferenced, multimedia industry portal ‘Brandenburg Business Guide’, which supports companies looking for the best location for their investment projects.


50,000th workplace

Foto Übergabe Präsentkorb 50.000ster Arbeitsplatz, Fotograf: David Marschalsky im Auftrag der ZAB

2015 - 50,000th workplace

In 2015, the WFBB celebrated the 50,000th job resulting from the business projects supported by its employees since its founding in 2001.


Change of company name as Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH, the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB)

Foto Pressekonferenz Bilanz 2016, Fotograf: David Marschalsky im Auftrag der ZAB

2017 - Change of company name as Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH, the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg

2017: Bye, bye Zukunftagentur – willkommen Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg! Im April erfolgte die Umfirmierung zur Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB). Zeitgleich bezog die WFBB ihre neue Firmenzentrale in den neu errichteten Gebäuden der ILB direkt am Potsdamer Hauptbahnhof – nahe dem politischen Zentrum des Landes und der Landeshauptstadt. 
Unter der neuen Marke bündelte die WFBB ihre vielfältigen Services in sechs Service-Paketen: für Investitionen, Innovationen, Fachkräfte, Gründungen, Internationalisierung und Energieberatung.


New structure


2018 - New structure

In 2018, the WFBB further optimised its structure: the previous four divisions were combined to form two divisions, and the Department for Business Location Development and Department of Regional Offices were created.

Collaboration with the regional economic development agencies was intensified and formalised in collaboration agreements.


Largest settlement success achieved with Tesla

Foto Tesla Baustelle, Fotograf: Dirk Enters

2019 - Largest settlement success achieved with Tesla

12 November 2019 was a very special day for the WFBB: this was the day when Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced the settlement of the Tesla Gigafactory in Brandenburg – the biggest settlement success in the history of Brandenburg´s economic development! The decision catapulted Brandenburg into the Champions League of the automotive industry – and marks the kick-off for a new value-added chain of modern mobility in the state.


Energy Agency of the state of Brandenburg in the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg

Logo Energieagentur Brandenburg

2020 - Energy Agency of the state of Brandenburg the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg

Since 2020, the WFBB has been the carrier of the Energy Agency of the State of Brandenburg. The energy agency advises companies and municipalities on all issues relating to the efficient use of energy and increasing the share of renewable energies.


20th anniversary

20 Jahre WFBB Logo

2021 - 20th anniversary

Congratulations! In 2021, the WFBB celebrated an anniversary: Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH has now been working towards your success in Brandenburg for over 20 years. And the story continues …


Record result achieved

WFBB Katalog Mockup

2022 - Record result achieved

In the 2022 reporting year, the WFBB successfully supported 305 investment and innovation projects with 9,683 new and stabilized workplaces. This is the best annual result since the company was founded.


Industrial and commercial area concept


Industrial and commercial area concept

Für einen präzisen Überblick über die Flächenpotenziale in Brandenburg und um Unternehmen auch künftig attraktive Industrie- und Gewerbeflächen anbieten zu können, wird das Industrie- und Gewerbeflächenkonzepts erstellt, das in dieser Form bundesweit einmalig ist.


Seven services

Slide Vorstellung der Servivepakete der WFBB

Seven services

Brandenburg offers you a full range of economic, employment and energy services from a single source in seven strong service packages - a unique service in Germany.

WFBB – your economic development agency

If you also wish to start or continue your success story in Brandenburg or are planning an investment, developing an innovation, aiming to internationalise, looking for skilled employees, or are seeking advice with regard to energy efficiency – then we are on hand to help whatever your questions. We look forward to talking to you!