Foreign direct investment and workforce development services for Brandenburg under one roof

Welcome to the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB)! WFBB offers a wide range of business and employment promotion services under one roof in the State of Brandenburg. Our wide-ranging, all-round service for investors, resident companies and technology-focused start-ups is unique in Germany.

„We are here for you – the experts at WFBB offer you expert advice and professional support in all matters relating to economic development in the State of Brandenburg. We look forward to working with you!“

Dr Steffen Kammradt and Sebastian Saule (WFBB Management)

Comprehensive range of services

Since 2014, WFBB also offers a comprehensive range of support in the areas of skilled employees, work and qualification. This makes Brandenburg the first federal state to offer fully integrated foreign direct investment and workforce development services from a single source. WFBB’s foreign direct investment and workforce development services can be broken down into six comprehensive service packages:

  •     Investments
  •     Innovations
  •     Internationalisation
  •     Energy
  •     Startup
  •     Skilled Workforce

With these services, the organisation makes an important contribution to improving the economic and social structure of the State of Brandenburg: 

For the Location.Companies.People.

Comprehensive industry information

Brandenburg is a quality location. And Brandenburg impresses with its economic diversity.

The WFBB Departments will provide you with expert information on the industries based in Brandenburg - from the automotive and supplier industry to rail systems technology.

The focus on people

We work for and with the people of Brandenburg. Creating and securing sustainable jobs is important to us, and consulting companies and employees on the development and qualification of skilled employees is what we do best. 


Economic Development Agency Brandenburg

In 2001, the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB) was established as a one-stop agency from three state companies. The owners of WFBB are the State of Brandenburg (74.93 per cent), the three Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the three Chambers of Crafts in the State of Brandenburg (4.18 per cent each).

Financing is provided by a subsidy from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg (MWAE) for institutional support as well as through the acquisition of third-party funds.

The purpose of the company is to improve the economic and social structure of the state of Brandenburg. WFBB performs its tasks in accordance with the guidelines of the economic policy of the State of Brandenburg.